Monday, 20 August 2018

CLXXXIII. Kill Team: Necron Immortal and Second Deathmark

This Immortal is quite obviously suffering from a condition. The tendrils creeping from his thorax and abdomen are what can be most closely described as a type of necrodermis cancer. A disease of this kind may occur due to errors during regeneration of living metal Necron bodies are composed of. For now, even though it is already sizeable, the growth does not present a great hindrance. However, the abnormal necrodermis will continue to spread, eventually rendering this individual incapable of combat, and then finally of any movement whatsoever.

This model represents an Immortal armed with a tesla carbine. The weapon is grafted to his arm. The mini was constructed from Necron Destroyer torso and left arm, Necron Warrior legs, one of the multitude of weapon appendages from Belisarius Cawl, and a plain human skull for the head. The rest is all putty. Green Stuff, Milliput, and a new addition to my arsenal: Magic Sculpt (it's the light grey parts in the photo). Also, metal and glass beads for the bulk of the cancerous growth.


Deathmark number two. Very similar to the first one - same weapon, nearly the same head. This one's a noticeably curvier, though. 


That's four models done out of planned twelve, and 58/156 points worth.


  1. Slaanesh have mercy! They are a thing of a dark, menacing, creepy nightmare kind of way.

  2. These are absolutely amazing. I'm truly awestruck!

    You've really created an interesting take on Necrons, an army I just considered boring in aesthetic for a very long time.

    Really looking forward to seeing the rest of the kill-team develop.

  3. The more female deathmark is a great innovation... Necrons are all so boringly similar, but why could not they be female?

  4. Really nice! Great idea, this metal leper.

  5. You can really see the Giger influence in the Deathmarks, and the organic growths on the Immortal have a very strong Beksinski vibe to them. Good job! Using the human skulls makes them, ironically, so much more alien. Like a machine that has created a disturbing parody of humanity. The colour palette really shows off your influences too - Giger's cool greys and Beksinski's visceral reds.

    Have you seen Annihilation on Netflix? Your immortal very much reminds me of the creations in that.

    1. Dude. How have I never run across Beksinski's work before? That is right up my alley. Thanks for introducing me to his stuff!

    2. You're very welcome! The guy's a master of surrealism. Perfect AoS28/Inq28 inspiration!

    3. Thanks! :)

      I haven't seen Annihilation.

  6. More excellent work, really pushing out the boundaries of the Necron concept. The female Deathmark is cool, and definitely an area worth exploring, but the Immortal is what really grabbed me here. The concept of Necrons being able to get cancer of some sort, the awkwardly bloated and heavily asymmetrical form, the whole thing just. All sorts of ideas about the possibilities of not just "natural" cancers like this, but also corruption by Chaos, subversion by Dark Mechanicum Scrapcode, other varieties of diseases they might be susceptible to.

    1. Thanks! Yes, it's interesting to think about how diseases would work on such creatures.

  7. A Necron with a cancer! Your ideas never cease to surprise and amaze! That and how you managed to make necrons diverge from their standard look and make them more interesting. Awesome work!

    Also, how do you find the Magic Sculpt? How different it is from greenstuff and milliput?

    1. Thanks! Magic Sculpt is good. I don't like how incredibly sticky the individual components are. Mixing them is pretty annoying to do. But once you mix them completely the stickyness is gone. It's comparable to GS + Milliput hybrid, only less soft than that. It cures pretty fast, in an hour-hour and a half.

  8. Gorgeous work. The Giger influence is evident in the two with face masks. The necron with cancer looks terrifying. Scary stuff!. The skitarii rifles the barrel length at least reminds me of the Lee Enfield MkIII.

  9. Another fascinating and inspiring project.

  10. Very expertly done, it all has a realistic feel to it.

  11. Honestly I could comment this on any one of your posts but your work always blows me away. Your interpretation of Necrons is so unique but also feels like it’s grown naturally from the same roots as the “established” version.

  12. Love the whole project but mostly the Immortal (that take something from BLAME!, the manga)

  13. Beksinski is one of my absolute favorite artists and is almost entirely unknown to most people I've spoken to - seeing his influences on a Kill Team army is just simply amazing and you've pulled it off perfectly. Very unique, very striking, and just amazing. I absolutely love these and cant wait to see more - really well done.

    1. Thank you! Beskinski's work is brilliant. The atmosphere he creates in his paintings is phenomenal. My plan is to build a beksinskiesque board for my Kill Team games to match these Necrons. I hope I'll manage to recreate the eerieness of his landscapes at least in part.


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