"The way is shut. It was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it, until the time comes. The way is shut."
- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
Three of my clubmates and I entered Wyrd's Iron Painter competition this year, and the above vignette is my entry for the second round. I don't normally do display pieces, so this was an interesting exercise. I built the entire base from scratch, I painted it using almost exclusively washes and glazes over a white undercoat (I just painted on a few highlights at the end to finish it off). Bright colours, as well, are not what I usually put on my miniatures. But this really works. All in all I am very happy with the result and I learnt a lot in the process. Hope it fares well; my opponent is a tough one.
I took some pictures as I worked:
The building began with rough shapes. The wall was cast in plaster, the stairs are balsa wood and the rocks polystyrene. A large undead knight was originally meant to stand on the base, but in the end I changed my mind and went with the ghost miniature. |
I had most fun making the door. It started from balsa, cut into shape and textured to resemble wood. |
The metalwork is plasticard and pins. |
The trees that flank the door are part wood, part air-drying clay. |
The modelling part is finished. |
I had fun painting with washes and thin glazes. This is what it looked like after the first couple of layers. |
More washing and glazing. |
The state of the base before I started work on the miniature. Later, when the miniature was in place, the lower steps felt too empty. So I added some bones. They also gave a darker tone to the piece. |
The miniature is a simple one. It's one of the Spirit Host ghosts, with a
Bretonnian knight's face and a crown. I added the 'hairs' made of thin
wire and static grass, each glued in place individually. It took a
while... but it was worth it. |
King of the Dead was in a way inspired by this
Ian Miller piece:
And the base is an adaptation of the background from this painting by
Petar Meseldžija:
Next round of Iron Painter won't start until April 25th, so I'll have some time now to work on the next update of the Wilderness terrain project.