Tuesday, 22 January 2013

IX. Morbid Homunculus

Deformed and crippled, violent and just plain nasty. The hideous creature was grown by the Doctor from a single human tooth. It may be of diminutive size and a bit lacking in the arm department (they never developed properly, they're just a couple of little stumps), but it can bite and it can headbutt. The Homunculus shows cruelty towards all living things and posesses near human intelligence.

This was a very simple one. The hardest part was shaving off the Night Goblin's shield, head and spear. Then it just needed some greenstuffing and a Flagellant head. I like that head. It's a good head. And the paintjob was simple and quick.

Homunculi in sixteenth century alchemy refer to miniature humans created by alchemists, usually out of human semen. Paracelsus and others give in their writings descriptions of alchemical procedures for making the little buggers. 'Homunculus' is Latin for 'little man', and there's another word of the same meaning, only Greek: 'anthroparion'.   

List of Plague Doctor's Retinue models and what they represent in Malifaux:

The Plague Doctor - Dr. Douglas McMourning
The Assistant - Sebastian
The Nurse - Nurse
Morbid Homunculus - Zombie Chihuahua
Hecatian Hounds - Canine Remains
Flesh Abominations - Flesh Constructs
Cerberus - Rogue Necromancy

The metal

Saturday, 19 January 2013

VIII. The Doctor

I'm introducing a new grim and morbid "faction" to the Gardens: the Plague Doctor and his retinue.

The Doctor is a brilliant physician and alchemist, an ingenious man. He lost his entire family to the plague, and since then he devoted his life to fighting the epidemic by any means necessary. Situated in manor next to an abandoned and ruined village, he is seeking a cure for the hated desease, aided by his crew of renegade medical staff. His cause may be righteous but his methods are considered horrible and unethical by most.

So, the Crew will consist of medical staff, undead dogs and flesh abominations.


Hulking monstrosity of great strength. It was grown to immense size from a reanimated human corpse through a series of surgical and alchemical procedures. Its body shows scars from the operations. The brain suffered considerable damage during death, so the creature has very low intellect. It is not violent by nature. Embalming fluids keep it from rotting.
Its right hand had to be amputated as a result of an injury. Though the Doctor tried to transplant a replacement hand more than once, the abomination's body kept rejecting it. After a while the stump developed a tumorous growth, forming a natural blunt weapon.
Flesh construct such as this one help the Doctor in his missions with their strength. 

It's a converted Goblin King from the new Hobbit miniatures game. Rope is tightly tied arount the mace-fist to prevent too big a blood loss as the skin over the tumorous bone growths usually gets torn when it beats someone to a pulp.


It's a deceased Hecatian hound, partially embalmed and reanimated with an electrical surge. It was then injected with a cocktail of medications allowing it to "live" beyond death. It feels no pain, but its flesh will eventually deteriorate in spite of the Embalmer's efforts. The smell of it is nausiating...
The Doctor employs a pack of these reanimated canines as guard dogs and for extracting mandrake roots. 

The miniature is a metal Reaper Dire Wolf I picked up some years ago in Vienna. It took a bit of GS to make it look rotten: the ribs showing, the eye missing and such. Also gave it a rope leash.


And in the end, some notes on the Countess:


Member of an old noble familiy. After the death of her husband she returned to her family's castle in Gardens of Hecate. Here she got interested in spiritualism and afterlife, and since then the castle was visited by many obscure guests, as the Countess sought to learn as much as she could of her new subject of interest. Eventually she succeeded in entering the Spirit World, and nowadays she is able to visit it whenever she so wishes. What she also learnt was how to summon denizens of the afterlife into her service through ancient heathen rites. She is feared by her subjects and condemned by the followers of the Saints, but in these times of war and plague the authorities have greater concerns than dealing with "witches".

The spirits in the Countess' service come in different shapes. You've already met the Bloodfiends (man-eating horse spirits), Gheists (practically harmless wisps), Übergheist (Countess' spirit guide Gheist) and the deadly Sphynxes. There are more yet to appear.