Monday 23 September 2019

CCXXXIV. Barrels and Chests from Alien Lab Miniatures

Alien Lab Miniatures recently sent me some nice resin stuff to work with. For now, I painted a number of treasure chests and barrels for my AoS28 collection, to be used as objectives and/or scatter terrain. Thanks, Alien Lab!

Barrels come six per pack, all pretty much identical. They're hollow inside, but only the top half; with options to make them open or closed (lid is separate).
Treasure chests come eight per pack. Large, small, open, closed...

There are actually three different skull sets pictured here. One can never have too many skulls in their bits box.
80mm skull base. I'm planning to turn this into an objective/terrain feature for my AoS28 games.
The chests have sculpted woodgrain, wich responds well to my wash + glaze painting method. They look hand-sculpted: no perfect right angles and dull syimmetry.
The barrels don't really have texture, so it needed to be added with paint. They look good! I made all but one closed. The open one got filled with clear resin to simulate water.


  1. These look really nice. It does not look like moldines on them are too severe? The resin water effect is a nice touch.

    The skulls look appropriately scaled to most 28mm miniatures (I realize that Games Workshop has not been very consistent with scaling on skulls over the years)?

    1. There was no problem with mould lines. But there was excess material on the bottom of the barrels and chests that I needed to file a bit.

      The skulls are about right. They look convincing next to my 28mm humans.

  2. They look really good. I just recently picked some up from Renedra and this might just well spur me on to paint mine.


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