Saturday, 4 November 2017

CXLIV. November

So, Gardens of Hecate rolls into its sixth year. 

Looking back on year five, it can be said it was a productive one. Back in January I listed my plans for it, and I'm happy to say I was successful at accomplishing these goals. I've built and painted a Swampfiend Malifaux crew with accompanying gaming aids, the Cult of Vvolos warband for use in AoS skirmish and Frostgrave, started another AoS28 band - the Flesh-eater Court of Folda, a few display pieces, then there were minis for Tor Megiddo and Monstrous Births. Sharing my work on Facebook, which is something I didn't use to do before, connected me to more people (but I stil very, very much prefer to publish on a blog). I took part in several local painting competitions and tournaments, did more hobby skill teaching at UMS "Agram", won an RPG writing contest in Poland with Witold, travelled to Finland to fight in a desert... A very good year, hobbywise. Hoping this one will be at least as good. :)

*   *   *

The fifth and final Misshapen Deer is finished. Monstrous Births is one small terrain piece away from being played.
This one has a parasitic twin and abnormal antlers.

Finally got the tools I needed, so my experimentation with sculpting can move further.

Back to work now. That Ex Profundis monster contest entry is not going to convert itself...


  1. Yay! You got some silicon sculpting tools! ^^

  2. I just love the herd! The tools look quite good, time for another Order at Greenstuffworld, since I spoiled my clay shapers be using them on Milliput . that stuff goes everywhere.

    1. Thanks! What happened to you with Milliput? It cured while caked all over the clay shaper? :(

    2. I did not properly cleaned them after the session.^^So totally my fault. But that does not happens with GreenStuff or Polymer Clay.

  3. Great looking new friends dark lady!

  4. Those deer are quite a group - at first glance appearing normal enough but very creepy up close! Great work.

  5. Oh wow. I'm having trouble believing that you've only now just gotten your hands on some sculpting tools. Man, if I thought that your GStuffing skill put mine to shame before I dread to see what you do this coming year. :P

    Congratulations on all you've accomplished by the way. Really should be proud of yourself!

    1. Thank you. :) Till now I'd been using only the three wax carver type tools I had. One can truly do a lot with them alone, as they are the most essential type of tool for sculpting. But there have been numerous situations when their limitations became apparent, and I saw that if I wanted to advance further I needed to invest in the right equipment.

  6. You've done in a year what most hobbyist may never do in a lifetime. Good for you :)


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